Listen. Observe. Integrate.

A truly helpful tarot reading doesn’t predict your future; rather, it sheds light on what is dark, lifting the veil on that which dwells in the shadows of your life…


Insight into relationships, career, and major life shifts

I came to tarot out of pure, enthusiastic curiosity over a decade ago. I was going through all of the major life transformations that many go through in their late 20’s and was seeking knowledge not only from astrology but also tarot. I was instantly hooked and have found profound joy in sharing readings with others ever since.

Whether you are seeking insight into love, family or friend relationships, career or simply asking what should I do with my life?, I STRONGLY suggest supporting your journey with a reading.

Sessions are led by my intuition in what deck I use (and sometimes more than one in certain cases) and are guided by whatever issue/situation you want to address.

1:1 Readings are 45 minutes. To book me for an in-person party or event visit my CONTACT page

Illustration by Kei Meguro